Welcome to the new Poplandia!!!
Welcome to the new Poplandia!!!!
I've been working on a new Poplandia for awhile now (three months to be correct) Yeah I know it doesn't take months to create a website but I'm extra lazy so I kept putting it off. but anyways yeah this is the new place and the reason I haven't been posting like crazy because I was working on this. Also were gonna get a official Facebook page soon we already have a twitter so if your not following us do it twitter.com/poplandiablog so if you have a twitter you'll always know when the blog is updated! Oh also Ke$ha is still the artist of the month but after this I might not do artist of the month's anymore maybe. Peace out! Oh also before I go let me just point out that the blog has this cool Tweet feature when you click on a post, you can retweet the link to it!!! I just though that that was SO AWESOME!!!!!
Trey :-P